Thursday, July 5, 2012

What exactly does the word "save" mean?

This is an example of some of my (sort of) 18th century style writing. I hope you enjoy it. :) (it was for a school assignment)

This is my extended definition of the word Save:
"Save me!" is a cry of despair. This cry comes from deep within the spirit, and is only heard after hitting rock bottom. Save literally means; to rescue from danger or possible harm. Save also means; to rescue from the power and consequences of sin. Although this word has over 15 definitions, this meaning is the most beautiful, the most important, and the most valuable. It comes from the intermost part of mankind. "Redeem me, Jesus!" rings out like nails pounded into a wooden cross. It says just enough. It is always answered with a loving, "yes". It is a cry I know all too well.
"Rescue me!", a cry of last resort that is heard too often on the battle field. It is like the uncontrollable pounding of an antelope running to save its life. It is frantic, willing to do anything to save itself! Sadly, sometimes it is not heard. Men and women die in their bondage after screaming with all they had left inside them. This despair is too imperious. This cry is in need of something greater than fellow man.
"Preserve me!" is a simple warning. It is like the wind filling a silent vineyard in a year without rain. It is a warning to use what you have now, but also to save some for later, in times of famine and drought.
"I'm pinching pennies!" is a selfish plea. It sounds as awful as Scrooge all year round. Life is too short to penny pinch! Save up what you may need in your lifetime, no more, no less. Give freely. Love without expecting any return. To say, "I'm pinching pennies!", is selfish and unreasonable.
"Save me!" is a desperate cry that is like rain pounding on a window. It only ends when there is no more will power. "Ransom me!" is like the desperate, emotional cry of a human spirit in need of a Savior, a spotless lamb, named Jesus.